The 40th Reunion Weekend was a BLAST
and a TOTAL Success!!!!
More pictures from Ronnie Bowie, as well as the Class picture, will be on the site by August 21st ... c'mon back to check them out!
Breakfast on Sunday with Janice Howard was unreal. It was so wonderful to see her and she had, in her pocket, the Cross pen and pencil set we gave her 40 years ago!!! Note the money being passed in the following picture ... and her eye is on it!! Always the Mathematician!! Thanks for coming, Miss Howard ... it was a true pleasure seeing you!
Claire Coleman-Bowie, Elwyn Holmes and Kenny Pincins
Danny Morris, Elaine Olson, Cynthia Paulhus-Starkey and Cheryl Cameron-Paquet
George Loxley and Eileen Tracy-Lacazette
Bobby Stone
Bob Paine (all the way from Australia!)
Dottie and Artie Loranger
Artie, Nancy Potter and Eileen
Fran Beliveau-Hunt and Bea Sunderland-Locke
The Bowie Brothers ... Jeff and Ron
Elaine Olson-Kenny Pincins
Patti and Jeff Bowie
Cynthia, Cheryl and husband Don Paquet
Judy Saggerson Marilyn Warner-Hammond
Nancy Potter-Campbell
Sandy Shaw Shirley Edwards-Hutchings
"Settling the old Debt" ... Kenny has owed Elwyn for a car for thirty-five years
and finally paid up at the Friday night party
Kenny and Cheryl
Susie Reed-Hughes gives a big hug to Bea Sunderland-Locke
GREAT PICTURES COMING UP ... from Saturday, June 25th
the "Big Night" at Bella's, Rte 102, Burrillville
Linda Bache-Thomas Danny Morris
Linda Aitken-Barnes
"Arsenic and Old Lace"
The Dancin' Lorangers
Barbara Sorel-Jacques and Ken
Beverly (Stein) and David Tirrell
Elwyn Holmes, Marilyn (Warner) & Don Hammond with Joan Massa-Tirrell (rear)
Billy Warburton and Bob Paine
Charlene Leveillee and Margie Jones
Dancin' Fools - Judy Saggerson and Bill Heaton
Danny Morris, Greg Dexter and Dave Tirrell
Ed and Shirley (Edwards) Hutchings
Harry Anderson
"You Go, Girls"!! Susie Reed (Front); l-r (Rear) Sandra Molineaux-Egan, Debbie Holdsworth,
Carol Hopkins-Teixeira, Karen Iannucilli-O'Neill and Barbara Sorel-Jacques
Jim Thornton and Dennis Walker
Jimmy Frost
Joanie Massa-Tirrell and Ginny Bogue-Schuttert
Judy and Danny Morris
David Norton with Mike Howarth
Kenny Pincins and Sandy Molineaux-Egan
Judy inspired everyone to Dance!
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Howarth
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Westberg
Ginny Bogue-Schuttert Eileen Tracy-Lacazette
A beautiful and delicious Spartan cake Some people NEVER change! Ron Bowie
The Silent Auction was a huge success
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Farrar
Sandy Shaw and Artie
"The Big Night" was fantastic! ... Dinner and 60's Music-Saturday Evening at Bella Restaurant, Rt. 102, Burrillville, R.I. It was really great to see everyone.
Following are the Forms and Sign-up sheets we sent out.
Don't let the formality of the dining room photo scare you off ...
we are going to have a casual night with smart/casual dress requested,
no jackets or cocktails dresses are allowed !!